Breaking Up with Grace: Online Dating Rules for the Perfect Goodbye

Description Paranoia and Relationships: How Far Is Too Far?
Love Without A Limit?!
I Got That White Girl: The Hampton Edition.
Behind the Macho Mask
Witty Wisdom For Dating Mating And Crime-Fighting
The Cruelest Things Women Consistently Do To Men
Dating Do’s And Dont’s For “Nice” Guys And Girls
Closure And The Big Owe.
The Most Overrated Things About New York City

But in all this wisdom naturally acquired, what about my newly discovered drunken English skills? Well, yesterday was midterms for me and I’m sorry to say but I failed. I did pretty well in pronunciation I think. No spit, no mumbling, not too many blanks looking for words. But the problem is this: I was so focused on it that I forgot the other half of the evaluation, content. I doubt that anyone has been impressed to know about killdeers, the Mono Lake or even how having Rock Band should be in the top 10 qualities for a guy. [...]

Drunken english 101 - midterm report | (Entre 2) Says:
January 16th, 2009 at 12:54 pm
[...] But in all this wisdom naturally acquired, what about my newly discovered drunken English skills? Well, yesterday was midterms for me and I’m sorry to say but I failed. I did pretty well in pronunciation I think. No spit, no mumbling, not too many blanks looking for words. But the problem is this: I was so focused on it that I forgot the other half of the evaluation, content. I doubt that anyone has been impressed to know about killdeers, the Mono Lake or even how having Rock Band should be in the top 10 qualities for a guy. [...]

hunter Says:
March 21st, 2009 at 1:59 am
“The Notebook” is a movie out of Hollywood where life is sometimes portrayed how it should be. Given, that, over 65% of the population is/or in need of therapy sessions, the average man cannot afford to be constantly arguing and making up. Most likely, he grew up hearing his parents complain/argue at each other(this is why he sits in therapy sessions) and the last thing he wants to do is come home and argue with the woman he is in love with. Men are strong physically, but a woman can be super strong on the inside.

Hurt your feelings? Are you sure you want a man/husband that hurts your feelings?..That may be fun for a little while…

hunter Says:
March 22nd, 2009 at 10:48 pm
There is a “notebook” type of man out there, it is just that, I think, in a much smaller pool of single men.

Paul Says:
August 21st, 2009 at 8:20 am
It’s a freaking movie people. Get out of your fantasy world and welcome yourselves back to reality. If you want that kind of love, become an actor/actress because you’re not going to find it in the real world. It’s scripted.

MidoriLei Says:
August 21st, 2009 at 8:39 am
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Fin de l'événement 16.10.2022