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geographybeefinalisthimself July 21, 2014 at 11:24
@ Uncle Elmer
“My Brother’s Keeper” doesn’t do a fucking thing about illegitimacy among blacks or Latinos, so women in those communities will still be paid to have kids out of wedlock and the buck will be passed from those boys’ fathers to unrelated men.
Everybody knows that a man cares more about his sons and daughters than he will about his nieces or nephews (if he has any) or any other man’s kids. I’m not a father and I have no nieces or nephews. I don’t give much of a shit about any other man’s kids either. Why should anyone expect a mentor to give a shit about any of these boys?
If it is better for a boy to have an involved father in his life, shouldn’t this program do something about that, including punish illegitimacy by their mothers?
self bold enough to wear, and three pairs of eyeglasses that pretty much look exactly the same. Oh, and a time machine straight to the ’50s, apparently.
Feminists believe that all of recorded history is one litany of subjugation of womankind, ended only in recent times by the brave and stalwart feminists, who wrested power from the patriarchy (how they did so is not usually explained). It’s bunk, and people only believe it because they have extremely limited knowledge of history. The idea that women have been disenfranchised is based on such things as the right to vote, which white women gained approximately one century after white men in the United States. However, keep in mind that universal men’s suffrage was only extended to all American men after white American women already had it. American Indians were not granted full suffrage until 1965 — a full forty years after women’s suffrage, and decades after they had already been declared US citizens. This was almost one hundred years after women had already been granted suffrage in Western states such as (highly patriarchal) Utah.
Of course, for a couple thousand years, almost no ordinary citizens had voting rights in any country.
But I’d like to address the cultural misconceptions as well. Particularly the idea that women’s lives were filled with drudgery and chores while men did nothing but enjoy themselves. A few posts back, I wrote that husbands have probably always been in involved in helping out around the house and with childcare. Many more men worked out of home before the industrial revolution, so it stands to reason that it would be so. Just yesterday, I found proof from a 17th century painting from the Netherlands.
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